Surgeon with scalpel

Posted by CGP with No comments
I am not a surgeon
I do not want to be,
but sometimes I feel the need to get a scalpel
take a deep breath
and start cutting every single inch of the skin
as if I were to find the answer 
just right there,
one milimeter over the veins.
I am not a surgeon
blood has always made me feel bad
some dizzy issue in my tongue
a whirlpool across my head,
but sometimes I feel the need to get the scalpel
and start making a scar bleed 
as if the pressure of my heart
could separate the deepest feelings
in my soul.
I am not a surgeon,
I needed a scalpel
to remove the scratches left behind
and witness how human I am:
who can split the flesh up?
Left it on the carpet,
no blood on my feet
no need to discard

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